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Exhibitions at GG
Studio Visit
Born in Vardon, Israel, 1974
lives and works in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
2019 - present > Head of the Fine Arts Department, Bezalel Academy of Artsand Design, Jerusalem
Solo Exhibitions
2022 Paper Years: 1999-2022, Beit Uri and Rami Nehoshtan Museum / curator: Smadar Keren
2022 Broken Screen ,Koresh Gallery, Jerusalem / curator: Vered Hadad
2021 Idolatry, Alma Space of Art, Tel Aviv / curator: Tsibi Geva
2018 Oriental Background, Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
2017 Mono (Large Scale Prints) Har-El Printers and Publishers Gallery, Jaffa
2016 Make Up, Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
2014 Archive Skin, Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
2013 Tigers, Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
2011 Killing Time Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
2010 Display Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence / curator:Prof. Mordechai Omer
2009 Ghosts, Tel Aviv Museumof Art, Tel Aviv / curator: Prof. Mordechai Omer
2007 Elvis, The Artist’sStudios Gallery, Tel Aviv
2006 Doom Doom Doom, Gordon Gallery, Tel Aviv
2006 I am, Botany, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Herzliya / curator: Dalia levin
2005 The Garden, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa / curator: Yehudit Mazkel
2005 The Black Album,Gordon Gallery, Tel Aviv
2023 Background and Coating, 280 pages, design: The Legue
2022 Paper Years, 128 pages, design: The Legue
2011 Killing Time, Artist Book, limited edition, design: MichalSahar
2010 Display, Pallazzo Medici Riccarddi, design: Michal Sahar
2009 Ghosts, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, desing: Michael Gordon
2006 Doom Doom Doom, Gordon Gallery, design: Magen Halutz
Grants and Awards
2021 The Faundation for Indipendant Creators Grant, Ministry of Culture,Israel
2021 Pais Council of Art and Culture Grant Support
2012 Minister of Culture Prize and Award, Ministry of Culture, Israel
2008 Rappaport Prize for Young Painter, Tel-Aviv Museum of Art
2005 Young Artist Prize and Award, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports ofIsrael
2004 Cite Culture Residency, Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris
2003 [PSS] - Grant for Outstanding Young Artists, Glasgow School of Art,Glasgow, Scotland
2002 Prize for Special Acievements, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem
2002–2004 MFA (Fine-Art), Magna cum Laude, Bezalel Academy of Artand Design Jerusalem In collaboration with The Hebrew University in Jerusalem
2003 PSS Glasgow School of Art, Summer Seminar for Outstanding YoungArtists, GsoA, Glasgow, Scotland
1998–2002 BFA (Fine-Art), Magna cum Laude, Bezalel Academy of Art andDesign Jerusalem
2000 Student Exchange Program Ecole National Des Beaux-Art De Lyon,Lyon, France