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Studio Visit
Studio Visit // July 2018
Born in 1969, Lives and Works in Tel Aviv
Core Artist in Residence, program for Artists and Critics at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
M.F.A., The Hebrew University and Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem
Bezalel Program for Young Artists, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem
B.F.A. Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem
Exchange student, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York
Academic Appointments and Positions
Professor Of Art, Multidisciplinary Art School, Shenkar- Engineering. Design. Art. Ramat Gan
Guest lecturer, Intensive painting course, Faculty of Design, HAW Hamburg
Head of Painting, Multidisciplinary Art School, Shenkar- Engineering. Design. Art. Ramat Gan
Senior lecturer and faculty member, Multidisciplinary Art School, Shenkar – Engineering. Design. Art. Ramat Gan
Lecturer at the Fashion Design Department, Shenkar – Engineering. Design. Art. Ramat Gan
Lecturer at the Fine Art Department, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Gilad Efrat: Inside Painting, the Israel Museum, Jerusalem; (curator: Amitai Mendelsohn) (cat.)
Resurface, Inman Gallery, Huston, Texas
Gilad Efrat: Paintings, 2014-2016, The Michel Kikoïne Prize, Genia Schreiber University Gallery, Tel Aviv University (curator: Irit Tal) (cat.)
Thinking Path, Loushy Art & Projects, Tel Aviv
Sandwalk, Inman Gallery, Houston, Texas
Negev, Inman Gallery, Houston, Texas
Recent Works, (two person exhibition with Michael Jones McKean), Special Projects, Untitled Art Fair, Miami
Ape Scape, Museum of Art, Ein Harod, Israel (curator: Galia Bar Or) (cat.)
Common Place, Oredaria Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome
Common Space, Inman Gallery, Houston, Texas
New Paintings, Inman Gallery, Houston, Texas
No Man’s Land, Oredaria Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy (cat.)
Archeological Site, St. Augustine Church, Erfurt, Germany (curator: Rudolf Grass)
Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
New Paintings, Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
Portraits, Oranim Institute Gallery, Israel (curators: David Wakstein and students)
City 2001, (two person exhibition with Etti Abergel), Nachshon Gallery,
Kibutz Nachshon, Israel(curator: Yael Kainy)
New Paintings, Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
Surface, Herzliya Museum of Art, Herzliya, Israel (curator: Dalia Levin) (cat.)
The Reminiscence of the Desirable, North Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark (brochure)
History and Destruction In the Landscape of Israel, Hakibbutz Gallery, Tel Aviv (curator: Tali Tamir)
Studios in the Shelter, Shelter gallery space, Jerusalem
Installation-Morasha-Musrara, The Morasha Art Center Gallery, Jerusalem (curator: Alex Kremer)
Group Exhibitions
"When Faith Turns into Doubt", Bar-David Museum, Kibbutz Baram; Curator: Avi Ifergan
"Gilad Efrat: Artist Wall", Maya Gallery, Tel Aviv
'Body Color', Dana Gallery of Art, kibbutz Yad-Mordechai, Curator: Ravit Harari
Security Measures, Sklar Levy Gallery, Modi'in; (curator: Shirley Wegner)
Up to the First Touch, Atelier Shemi, Kibbutz Kabri; (curator: Smadar Schindler)
No pasarán: The Spanish Civil War, 80 Years On, Jerusalem Print Workshop; (curator: Arik Kilemnik)
Landscape, Gordon Gallery, Tel Aviv
This Must Be the Place, Inga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
A Journey In The Fog, Noga Gallery of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv
'IzraelBanzai – Exhibition of Contemporary Israeli Art from the A-Collection',Schlüterstraße 45 Art Space; (curator: Alona Harpaz)
Sticks & Stones, Braverman Gallery, Tel Aviv
Take Painting, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Israel (curator: Larry Abramson) (cat.)
A New Horizon for New Horizons, Museum of Art, Ein Harod, Israel (curators: Gila Ballas, Yaniv Shapira, Dalia Danon)
The Art of Humanity at The Pratt Institute, (traveling exhibition), Rubelle and Norman Schafler Gallery, Brooklyn, NY; Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy
Visions of Place: Complex Geographies in Contemporary Israeli Art, (traveling exhibition),Rutgers-Camden Center for the Arts, State University of New Jersey;
Towson University Art Gallery, MD. (curators: Martin Rosenberg, J. Susan Isaacs) (cat.)
Flora Palestina, New Gallery, Musrara - Naggar School of Art, Jerusalem (curator: Avi Sabag)
CHROMA: Gilad Efrat, Carl Suddath & Jim Verburg, Inman Gallery, Houston, Texas
Metropolis: The Urban Experience, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa, Israel (curator: AdiShelach)
Man-Land, Ha'emek Museum, Kibbutz Yifat, Israel (curator: Neta Habe)
Sand-Ness , Contemporary by Golconda Art Gallery, Tel Aviv (curator: Liav Mizrahi)
Contemporary Art: Selections from the Museum's Collection, Museum of Fine Art, Houston, Texas (curator: Alison de Lima Greene)
Portraits, Worth Gallery, Multidisciplinary Art School, Shenkar, Ramat Gan (curators: Gal Weinstein and students)
Revealing the Concealed, P8 Gallery, Tel Aviv (curator: Shimon Lev)
Similarity, Worth Gallery, Multidisciplinary Art School, Shenkar, Ramat Gan (curators: Gal Weinstein and students)
Collecting Dust - Contemporary Israeli Art, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (curator: Tami Manor-Friedman) (cat.)
Print Time, The Open Museum, Tefen Industrial Park, Israel (curators: Ruthi Ofek, Irena Gordon) (cat.)
Great Wide Open: New and Old in the Collection, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (curator: Amitai Mendelsohn)
The Magic of the Cosmos, Carasso Science Park, Beer Sheva (curator: Haim Maor)
Last Call, Maze 9 Gallery, Tel Aviv (curator: Jonathan Gold)
Winners 2012, Ministry of Culture Prizes in Art, Ashdod Museum of Art, Ashdod, Israel (curator: Yuval Beaton) (cat.)
Il Fuocodella Natura / The Flash of Nature", Salone Degli Incanti, Trieste, Italy (curators: Marco Puntin and Jonathan Turner) (brochure)
Termite (three person exhibition with Jonathan Gold And Ami Feychevitch), Dan Gallery, Tel Aviv (curator: Ravit Harari)
Southern Spirit, (traveling exhibition), The Negev Museum for Art, Beer Sheva;
University Art Gallery, Tel Aviv University (curator: Dalia Manor)
Artists’ Arte e Movimento (Art in Motion), Audi Italy, Rome, Italy (curator: Ludovico Pratesi)
No New Thing Under the Sun, Tennant Gallery, Royal Academy of Art, London, England (curator: Gabriel Coxhead)
Artist`s Choices, Susan Hiller: A Work in Progress, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (curator: Susan Hiller) (cat.)
Traces IV, Biennale for Drawing in Israel, Jerusalem Artists’ House (curator: Tamar Manor-Friedman) (cat.)
After Soldier of Chocolate, Worth Gallery, Multidisciplinary Art School, Shenkar, Ramat Gan (curator: Vered Zafran-Gani)
The Moon: Houston, Tranquility Base Here. The Eagle Has Landed, Museum of Fine Art, Houston, Texas (curator: Alison de Lima Green)
History of Violence, Haifa Museum of Art (curator: Hadas Maor) (cat.)
Strangers in Conversation: (almost) 20 Years in Art, Inman Gallery, Houston, Texas
Cockeye, Male Nude in Contemporary Israeli Art, Gal-On Art Space, Tel Aviv (curator: Sagi Refael) (cat.)
Incontrid'aria (air meetings), Oredaria Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy
Real Time, Art in Israel 1998-2008, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (curators: Amitai Mendelsohn and Efrat Natan) (cat.)
Learning by Doing: 25 Years of the Core Program, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas (cat.)
Internal Landscapes, Jerusalem Print Workshop, Jerusalem, Israel (curator: Irena Gordon) (cat.)
Traces III, Biennale for Drawing in Israel, The Jerusalem Artists’ House, Jerusalem (curator: Dalia Manor) (cat.)
Out of Time, Payne Gallery, Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA (curator: Angela Fraleigh)
Bare Life, On The Seam - Socio-Political Contemporary Art Museum, Jerusalem (curator: Raphie Etgar) (cat.)
The Sirens' Song, (traveling exhibition) Arthouse at the Jones Center of Contemporary Art, Austin; Galveston Art Center; Stanlee and Gerald Rubin - Center for the Visual Arts - University of Texas at El Paso;(curator: Kelly Baum) (cat.)
Core Artist in Residence Exhibition, Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas (curator: Mary Leclère) (cat.)
News: Recent Acquisitions in Contemporary Art, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (curator: Suzanne Landau)
Introduction to the Artists of Oredaria Gallery of Contemporary Art, the International Contemporary Art, Turin, Italy
Artadia Reprised, Diverse Works, Houston (curator: Diane Barber) (cat.)
In Between Places: New Art From Israel, Vivian Horan Fine Art, New York, New York (curator: Kari Conte)
Leg, Lawndale Center for the Arts, Houston, Texas (brochure)
New Hebrews – A Century of Art in Israel, Martin Gropius House, Berlin (curators: Doreet Le Vitte Harten, Yigal Zalmona) (cat.)
Core Artist in Residence Exhibition, Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas (curator: Joseph Havel) (cat.)
Out of Conflict, Leroy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York, New York (curator: Yoav Horesh)
Exhibition 35, Jerusalem Print Workshop Gallery, Jerusalem (curator: Irena Gordon) (cat.)
Our Landscape: Notes on Landscape Painting in Israel, University Art Gallery, University of Haifa (curator: Avishai Eyal) (cat.)
The Right of the Image: Jewish Perspectives in Modern Art, Museum Bochum, Germany (curator: Hans Günter Golinski) (cat.)
Marked Landscapes: ‘Landscape-Place’ in Contemporary Israeli Art, Senate Gallery and Avraham Baron Art Gallery, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel (curators: Haim Maor and his students) (cat.)
Ruins Revisited: The Image of the Ruin in Israel 1803-2003, Time for Art Gallery, Tel Aviv (curator: Gideon Ofrat) (cat.)
Time Capsule, Art In General, New York, New York (curator: Tami Katz-Freiman) (cat.)
Un viaggio con Pasolini (A Journey with Pasolini),
Contemporary Art in Mandrione, Rome (curator: Alfredo Pirri) (brochure)
Views - Israeli Art from the Collection, Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Focus on Painting, Haifa Museum of Art (curator: Daniella Talmor) (cat.)
Recipients of 2001 Tel-Aviv Museum of Art Prizes, Tel-Aviv Museum (curator: Edna Mosenzon)
The Biennale for European and Mediterranean Artists, Rome (curator: Jannis Kounellis) (cat.)
A Common Thread - Artists pay tribute to Moshe Kupferman, Artspace Gallery, Jerusalem (brochure)
Exhibition 28, Jerusalem Print Workshop Gallery, Jerusalem (curator: Irena Gordon) (cat.)
Exchange of Views, Vertretung des Landes NRW bei der Europäischen Union, Brussels (brochure)
MITEINANDERS, M-Art International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Vienna
The Mundane Muse: Artist in Search of Meaning in a Multi-Cultural Society, (traveling exhibition), Arad Museum; Janco-Dada Museum, Ein Hod; Rehovot Municipal Art Gallery (curators: Ada Naamani and Miri Taragan (cat.)
Skin-Deep: Surface and Appearance in Contemporary Art, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (curator: Suzanne Landau) (cat.)
Tales of the Sands: Contemporary Israeli Art, The Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh (curators: Graeme Murray and Sarit Shapira) (cat.)
Not To Be Looked At: Unseen Sites in Israel Today, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (curator: Sarit Shapira) (cat.)
Art Focus: International Biennial of Contemporary Art, Teddy Stadium, Jerusalem (curator: Ilan Wizgan) (cat.)
Four Artists from Israel, PCC Kunstraum, Weimar, Germany (curator: Rudolf Grass)
To the East: Orientalism in the Arts in Israel, Israel Museum, Jerusalem (curators: Yigal Zalmona and Tamar Manor-Friedman) (cat.)
Unconscious Wire, Sotheby’s Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv (curator: Eitan Hillel)
Art and Realities in Jerusalem, Jerusalem Artists’ House (curator: Ilan Wizgan) (cat.)
Sarajevo, Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina (curator: Alfredo Pirri)
Bamot: the Building, Destruction, and Restoration of High Places Israel 1948-1998, Jewish Museum, Vienna, Austria (curators: Oz Almog and Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek) (cat.)
5 Young Artists from Jerusalem (traveling exhibition in Germany), Springer publishing house gallery, Hamburg; Rendsburg Jewish Museum, Culture Forum Dacheröden House, Erfurt (curator: Sylvia Ferdinand)
Preview: Recent Acquisitions, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
12² Graduates of the Bezalel Program for Young Artists, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem (curator: Larry Abramson) (cat.)
The Biennale for European and Mediterranean Young Artists (traveling exhibition) Torino; The Cable Factory, Helsinki (cat.)
The Young Artist Awards Exhibition, Artist House, Tel Aviv (curator: Idit Porat) (cat.)
Tokyo International Print Exhibition, Tama Art University Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Three artists, one studio, Studio in a shelter, Jerusalem
Michel Kikoïne Prize for Israeli Painting, Tel-Aviv University
The Israeli Minister of Culture Prize
The Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, New York
Artadia Grant, Artadia: The Fund for Art and Dialogue, New York
Janet and George Jaffin Prize for Excellence in the Visual Arts, America-Israel Cultural Foundation
Lily Richmond Acquisition Award, Tel Aviv Museum of Art
The Sharett Foundation Fellowship for Painting, America-Israel Cultural Foundation
Young Artist Award, Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture
The Herman Struck Award for Etching, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem