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Studio Visit
BFA in Fine Art / Painting, Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) Baltimore, Maryland
MFA in Painting, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Los Angeles, California
Selected Solo Exhibitions
You Know Where You Came From, You Know Where You Are Going, And You Know Where You Belong, The Third Line, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I Wanted To Change The World But All I Changed Was Myself, M.Y. Art Prospects, New York, NY
Rhys Gallery, Boston, MA (with Evelyn Rydz)
Under The Indigo Dome, The Third Line, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Post Stagecraft, Redux Art Center, Charleston, SC
Pedestal, Nathan Larramendy Gallery, Ojai, CA
Flowers & Terrorists, David Castillo Gallery, Miami, FL
Make It Believe, The Third Line, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Ninth Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Spaced Case (Bong Rips, Magical Potions, Mystical Flora and Avatars),
Baer Ridgway Exhibitions, San Francisco, CA
The Collected, The Third Line, Dubai UAE (forthcoming)
The Arrangement, The Third Line, Dubai, UAE
The Collected, Gallery Wendi Norris, San Francisco, CA
Between The Folds, JOYCE Gallery, Hong Kong
The Caretaker, Nerman Museum Of Art, Overland, KS
Perfect Strangers, 18th Street Art Center, Los Angeles, CA
From The Primitive To The Present, Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
All Experience Is an Arch, Hap Gallery, Portland, OR Volta NY, Gordon Gallery
Volta NY, Gordon Gallery
Embedded Memories, Mohsen Gallery, Tehran, Iran
Corner, Shulamit Nazarian Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
All Experience Is An Arch, Hap Gallery, Portland, OR
Wild Frontiers, Gordon Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Selected Group Exhibitions
PORNGLOSSDOPE, Southfirst Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Calligraphic Legacy, Transamerica Pyramid Gallery, San Francisco, CA
New Talent IV, Siganal 66, Washington, D.C.
M.Y. Art Prospects, New York, NY
Emotional Sensibilities, CP Artspace, Washington, D.C.
I Am Human And I Deserve To Be Loved, Overtones, Los Angeles, CA
Amirica, Artspace, Richmond, VA
Scope Art Fair (Cherrydelosreyes), Miami, FL
Cornceptual Popstraction, Cherrydelosreyes, Los Angeles, CA
Lost In _ _ _ _ _, 4-F, Los Angeles, CA
Painting L.A., Raid Projects, Los Angeles, CA
New York Armory Show, Raid Projects, New York, NY
Supersonic, L.A. Design Center, Los Angeles, CA
Thesis Exhibition, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
Love Songs, Overtones, Los Angeles, CA
Mulvane Museum of Art Re-Opening, Mulvane Art Museum, Washburn University, Topeka, KS
Planescapes, Laband Gallery: Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA
Rogue Wave, LA Louver, Venice, CA
Artists Annual 2007, BlK/MRKT Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Art on Paper 2008 Biennial, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC
Art After The Revolution: Contemporary Photography from Iran And California, SF Arts Commission, San Francisco, CA
Terradome, Art Dubai (Rhys Gallery), Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Aerials of Sublime Transscapes, Lookal 01, Breda, The Netherlands
Group Show curated by Barnaby Whitfield, 31 Grand, New York, NY
Feel The Difference - Cultural Branding Remix, Works, San Jose, CA
What Do You Care?, Mary Goldman Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Some Paintings, the 3rd LA Weekly Annual Biennial, Los Angeles, CA
The Pop Of Colors, POV Evolving, Los Angeles, CA
Re-mix, Catharine Clark Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Almost Home, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York, NY
All Under One Roof, Tarryn Teresa Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Group Show Part 1, David B. Smith Gallery, Denver, CO
Western Project, Los Angeles, CA
Brain Drain, Nudashank, Baltimore, MD
Tilt, Artist Curated Projects, Los Angeles, CA
Show Off!, Salsali Private Museum, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Group Show, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
The State: Social / Antisocial?, The Third Line, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
About Paint, Carl Berg Projects Los Angeles, CA
I Don’t Need Your Money Honey, All I Need Is Love. Works From the Farook Collection, Traffic, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Drown Me In Pictures, Latned Atsär, Los Angeles, CA
Line Dancing, 5790projects, Los Angeles, CA
Art Dubai, The Third Line, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sense And Sensibility I, Mt. San Antonio College Art Gallery, Walnut, CA
10 Year Anniversary Show, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Fever Dreams, Koplin Del Rio, Los Angeles, CA
Desaturated Rainbow, Kopeikin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
SuperCallaFragileMysticEcstasyDioecious, Lancaster Museum Of Art And History, Lancaster, CA
Cash, Cans & Candy, Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vienna, Austria
Desaturated Rainbow, Kopeikin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
The Archaic Revival, Gallery Zic Zerp, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Fever Dreams, Koplin Del Rio Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Desaturated Rainbow, Field Projects, New York, NY
Still Lives, Museum Of Art And History, Lancaster, CA
Chockablock, University Art Musem, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
When It Is Dark Enough, CES Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Hey Stranger, Plug Projects, Kansas City, MO
I’ll Show You Mine, Palo Alto Art Center, Palo Alto, CA
Exquisite Corpse, Mass Gallery, Austin, TX
Theory Of Survival: Fabrications, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
Ten, Cindy Rucker Gallery, New York, NY
Illusions Of A Perfect Utopia, Walter Maciel Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
New Neon, Bedford Gallery, Lesher Center For The Arts, Walnut Creek, CA
Golden State, California Contemporary, Bunsen Goetz Galerie, Nuremberg, Germany
Tomorrow, Hashimoto Contemporary, San Francisco, CA
Uncommon Terrain, Shulamit Nazarian, Los Angeles, CA
We Must Risk Delight- Twenty Artists From Los Angeles, 56th La Biennale Di Venezia, Venice, Italy
In Good Company, Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art, Kansas City, KS
Darkness Invisible, Tempus Projects, Tampa, FL
A Curious Blindness, Wallach Art Gallery Columbia University, New York, NY
Human Condition, The Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
Stars And Stripes, Gordon Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Selected Awards
Maryland Institute, College of Art Trustee Award and Presidents Scholarships
Maryland Institute, College of Art / New York Studio Program
Maryland Institute, College of Art Barry Holniker Merit Scholarship
Ovissi Gallery & Evolving Perceptions Iranian Artist Scholarship
Jacob Javits Fellowship
18th Street Arts Center Artist Lab Residency, Santa Monica, CA (forthcoming)
Joan Mitchell Foundation 2015 Painters & Sculpture Grant